Pressure-Sensitive Products | 測速照相出沒點
Committed to Your SuccessPaul McGrath, Technical Service Representative, MA
“Choosing product components is as much a process of elimination as it is a process of selection. So, when speaking with a customer about a new project, there are probably 20 questions in my mind. The answer to each question narrows the component options until we’re left with a short list of possible solutions.
One of my goals is to always get samples out to the customer as quickly as possible so we can turn their idea into PS labels.
The complex projects where I must start from scratch are the most satisfying because they allow for creativity and lots of customer interaction. And with 32 years of working with customers, I can draw on similarities to past projects to get to a quick solution. Even so, I almost always learn something new that I can keep in my mind for the next customer with a similar challenge. Once the customer’s needs have been met successfully, I e...
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FLEXcon | 測速照相出沒點