「南科」找工作職缺-2021年6月 | 測速照相出沒點
...應用軟體工程師(工作地:台南科學園區)【緯創軟體股份有限公司】、(南科)...公司】。104人力銀行提供全台最多工作職缺,及專業求職服務,更多「南科」 ...
台南市新市區 經歷不拘 大學【Highlight】 The future is ours to create. Whether it’s a driverless car, VR experience, or factory robotics, we help turn theory into possibility. We help create technological devices and ideas that transform our future and shape our current life. We’re looking for Customer Service Engineers who contributes the support and provide unique customer value in the global electronics ecosystem. You will be able to learn the advanced mechatronic engineering and collaborate with leading customers across the globe, our expert teams of physicists, engineers, and problem-solvers design solutions that move the world forward. 【Job Description】 • Evaluates, analyzes, diagnoses and troubleshoots technical equipment problems via tele...
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「南科」找工作職缺-2021年6月 | 測速照相出沒點
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